Equity Plan

a month ago

Valley View School District has developed an equity plan that assures,through the implementation of various strategies, that low income and minority students are not taught at higher rates than other students by inexperienced, unqualified or out-of-field teachers. For the purpose of understanding, "experience" is defined by the number of years a teacher has taught as the teacher of record. Any teacher beginning their third year as the teacher of record is considered experienced. The strategies employed by Valley View and identified in this equity plan, address equitable distribution of teachers in our district.

Valley View maintains four school buildings, with each grade being entirely contained in one building. The Elementary Center houses all students in grades Kindergarten through Grade 2, the Intermediate Schoolhouses all students in Grades 3 through 5, the Middle School houses all students in Grades 6 through 8 and the High School houses all students in Grades 9 through 12. Students are grouped heterogeneously with input from all educators who work with the students. On going reviews will be conducted throughout the year to ensure that low income and minority students are not taught at higher rates by inexperienced, or unqualified teachers. The equity of this process is assessed through non-discriminatory,fair communication with district stakeholders throughout the year.

In addition, Valley View will continue to use funds for in-services, staff development and induction programs for new teachers, in order to continue to meet our HQT requirements, since research shows that teachers’ mastery of the academic content they teach is critical to engaging students and is a significant factor in raising achievement levels of all students.


Limited English Proficiency Programs

a month ago

Limited English Proficiency Programs

In accordance with Valley View School Board’s philosophy to provide a quality educational program to all students, the district shall provide an appropriate planned instructional program for identified students whose dominant language is not English.Students will be identified, assessed and provided appropriate services.A Home Language Survey will be completed for each student to identify those students whose dominant language is not English. At the beginning of each year, parents will be notified of their child’s LEP program and will be regularly apprised of their student’s progress.For questions, call Valley View District Office, 876-5080, ext. 209.

Programas de Habilidad ingleses limitados

De acuerdo con la filosofía del Bordo de Escuela de Vista de Valle paraproporcionar una calidad programa educativo a todos los estudiantes, eldistrito proporcionará un programa educacional planeado apropiado paraestudiantes identificados cuya lengua dominante no es el inglés.Los estudiantes serán identificados, tasados y proporcionaronservicios apropiados. Una Revisión de Lengua de Casa será completada paracada estudiante para identificar a aquellos estudiantes cuya lenguadominante no es el inglés.A principios de cada año, los padres seránnotificados del programa LEP de su niño y serán con regularidad instruidosdel progreso de su estudiante. Para preguntas, llame la Oficina de Distrito deVista de Valle, 876-5080, ext. 209.


Services for Homeless Students

a month ago

Counselors, teachers, administrators, school secretaries, the school nurse and other staff members work together to identify and assist homeless students and their families under the direction of the Valley View School District homeless liaison, the Superintendent of Schools.  A variety of supports,including Title 1 academic services, are available to assist with the needs of these students.

Valley View School District Liaison

Please contact:

Mrs. Christine Burak
570-876-5080 ext. 5209

Pennsylvania’s Education for Children  and Youth Experiencing Homelessness
Program/Region 7 and Valley View School District

On July 22, 1987, the Stewart B. McKinney Homeless Assistance Act became public law.  This  was  the first  comprehensive  federal  law  dealing  with  the  problems  of homelessness.  Included  in  the  2001  No  Child  Left  Behind  Act,  it  is  now  called  the McKinney-Vento  Homeless  Education  Assistance  Improvement  Act  of  2001  (Public law 107-110. Subtitle B).

The  main  objective  of  the  Pennsylvania’s  Education  for  Children  and  Youth Experiencing  Homelessness  Program  is  to  make  sure homeless  youth  have  access  to appropriate education while removing barriers that homeless children face. Its goal is to have the educational process continue as uninterrupted as possible while the children are in homeless situations. 

McKinney – Vento Act

Ensures educational rights and protections for children and youth experiencing homelessness. 

These rights and protections include:

  • School stability
  • School access 
  • Support for academic success

*** This is a federal law that supersedes conflicting state laws or local policies.